
Types of Investors – 5 Levels of Investors Mindset

It makes no difference whether the market is rising or falling. Certain types of investors perform well under any market conditions. More often, these are not market conditions that cause failure or success, but rather the type of investor you are. 

The difference between success and failure in your investing journey is almost entirely determined by your ability as an investor. It denotes the type of investor you are. A wise investor will make millions in the volatile stock market, while an inexperienced investor can lose millions.

What Type of Investor Are You?

The five types of investors are outlined below. If you are educated, work hard, and earn a good living, but have traditional money beliefs, you may find yourself struggling financially for the rest of your life. You will likely fall into one of the first two categories of investors.

In contrast, if you don’t even have a college degree and are not working hard, but have a good financial mindset you may earn a fortune quickly. You will likely fall into one of the fourth and fifth-tier investors.

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Pause for a moment to reflect. Decide what type of investor you are and be honest with yourself. You should be completely honest with yourself in order to begin your journey in the right direction. Here are the five types of investors. 

Novice Investor

If the asset field of your wealth form is empty and there is nothing in it that is generating income from your investment, you are a novice investor. At this level, you may have a lot of obligations to meet. Furthermore, you could be deeply in debt. Here, the best investment you can make right now is to get out of debt and streamline your financial obligations. 

Remember, there’s nothing wrong with being in debt. But only if you’re planning and working to get out of it. The issue will arise when you do nothing to eliminate this debt. You are not the only person on the planet who is in debt. Numerous people become indebted for various reasons. However, if they have the determination to get out of debt, they finally get over it. Yes, it takes them many years. But with the right plan and action, they achieve it.

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Being a novice investor, the best education and action is to learn from your mistakes in a variety of ways and to accept responsibility for your mistakes. If you keep making the same mistakes that got you into debt and don’t learn from them, you’ll never be able to break free from the debt cycle and make progress.

You typically have little knowledge of money and investments at this level of investing. As said, the most important investment here is to get out of debt and begin investing in your financial education. Read books, go to lectures, become interested in business and economic news, and seek out coaches, mentors, and teachers.

Accumulating Investors

Since we were young, we’ve been taught the wrong thing. We’ve been told that being responsible with money means saving and accumulating more money. You belong to the second type of investor if you save money. As a money-saver, you must exercise extreme caution, especially if you are putting money aside in a bank or in a retirement plan. Those who save and accumulate money are usually the losers. Because saving is frequently a good strategy for people who do not wish to learn anything in addition to what they already know. Saving money does not require much financial intelligence, and anyone can easily learn how to do so.

Saving money comes with the risk of learning less. And if your savings run out or the value of your money falls, you are left with nothing, not even education and training.

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While savers enjoy earning a profit or interest on their money, real interest rates are typically in line with or below the true rate of inflation. As a result, amassing and saving money is primarily a loser’s game. If you are a saver, we recommend that you take some courses to learn the fundamentals of investing. Check out the stock market or real estate if you’re interested. If you are uninterested in anything, just sit back and wait for your money to lose value until you have nothing left.

Amateur Investor

Amateur investors are comparable to second-tier investors in some qualities. They take the risk but don’t realize what they are doing. More often they prefer to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and insurance funds.

Although such an investment is preferable. However, these types of investors have no idea where or how to invest. As a result, they heed the advice of financial advisors. But the problem with financial advisors is that they are merely salespeople for financial institutions so they have their own interests. Amateur investors are financially uneducated and rely on others to advise them about where to invest their money. They are uninterested in investing in their own education in order to become better investors. They know very little about finances, which means they must rely on the advice of others.

Amateur investors are at severe investment risk. If the economy fails, the investor will lose everything; not just money but the chance of learning and education as well. Because almost everything an investor owns is a paper asset, and their advisors make decisions for them. They have no idea what went wrong and why.

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If you’re ready to advance past the third level, invest in your financial education and begin managing your money. When you are ready to make your own investment decisions rather than relying on advisors, you will have reached the fourth level of investor, which is a good level for many to attain.

Professional Investor

Few people devote time to money management. However, once you learn how to do it, you can call yourself a professional investor. The key to fourth-level success is to keep learning throughout one’s life. Such investors are looking for great teachers, coaches, and friends who share their values. Being a great teacher or coach does not imply that he or she is a higher-level investor, but rather anyone who can guide you. At this level, your attitude should always be that of a student. Professional investors frequently ask too many questions and seek too many answers. However, they decide things on their own.

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Professional investors meet many tax advisors, lawyers, stockbrokers, and real estate agents to take advice from them. They are especially looking for investment advisors who make money instead of working as salespeople.

High-income jobholders are often classified as professional investors who take investing journey as a side hustle along with employment. Such investors have complete control over their lives. They may also choose to resign from their position. They understand that their mistakes provide them with an opportunity to learn and grow. Fear of investing does not frighten them but rather challenges them. When you reach the fourth level of investment, you begin to see opportunities that others aren’t seeing. Your fear of failure has significantly decreased, and you are becoming more excited.


Being a fifth-level investor is equivalent to being on top of the world. Such investors can invest anywhere in the world. They have no boundaries. The good news is that becoming a capitalist investor in today’s high-tech technology world is easier than ever.

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Capitalist investors travel the world in search of problems and offer solutions. Investors who are good at problem-solving can profit from their investments indefinitely. They also have a solid academic and financial foundation, as well as the skills required to succeed as investors. They use these skills to solve the problems of others who lack those skills. 

For example, if you are a very big real estate investor, think about the problems of people who become homeless or suffer from problems due to big real estate projects. You can set up a low-cost housing scheme for them while making a good profit as well.

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Fifth-tier investors make a good living by investing, but they also help those who do not have access to such luxuries. They get rich quickly and help other people by using money from other people and speeding it up with crowdfunding and other investment incentives. If you’re at this level, keep learning, giving back to society, and moving forward. Remember those true capitalists are generous people because they understand that you must give more to society in order to receive more from it.


The world of investing is constantly changing because of new technologies, trends, and regulations. To stay ahead in this rapidly-evolving market, you need to be up to date with the latest news and trends.

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By reading through this article, you have learned about how different levels of investors’ mindsets can impact their investment decisions. The types of investors we discussed above are not mutually exclusive. However, by staying aware of your mindset, you can find the benefits that suit your needs and requirements.

Which one do you think suits you? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below for the benefit of our readers. 

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